Notes about the game from Patty Ellis, Past Rules Chair

Rule #18 - Ball at Rest Moved

While taking a practice swing, I accidentally hit my ball. Which of the following possibilities is appropriate under the circumstances?

1) I didn't intend to hit the ball, therefore the shot doesn't count and there is no penalty. I'll pick the ball up, put it back and re-hit from the original place;
2) I have an option: if the unintentional shot happens to be a good one, I can choose to use it and count the stroke. If not, I don't have to count it but I'll replace the ball and hit it again;
3) Because I have accidentally moved the ball, a breach of the rules has occurred and I must assess myself a one-stroke penalty. I also must replace the ball;
4) I broke the rules, but it doesn't count because no one saw me do it.

Answer: The rule that governs this situation is Rule #18: Ball At Rest Moved. If you picked #3 you were right. I must assess myself a one-stroke penalty and replace the ball. Donna Andrews, a very accomplished LPGA player, learned this rule the hard way. During the 1992 U.S Women's Open, she accidentally moved the ball while taking a practice swing. She correctly charged herself a penalty stroke, but failed to replace the ball which resulted in her incurring the general penalty of two strokes for breach of Rule 18. Fortunately (if there's anything fortunate about this horrible situation), she realized her error before signing what would have been a wrong scorecard. Had she signed the inaccurate card, she would have been disqualified from the tournament.
If you picked #1, you were only partially right. I didn't intend to make a stroke and, therefore, a stroke did not occur. You were also right that I must replace the ball. But you weren't entirely right because I must assess myself a penalty stroke for having moved the ball.
If you picked #2, while I would love this to be the right answer, it's not. Just think, there would be players who would hit the ball over and over (claiming they didn't intend to do so) until they were happy with their shot. We'd never get off the first hole!!
I'm really hoping no one picked #4.

If you have any questions about rules, etiquette or handicap, please feel free to "ASK PATTY."


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